17 January 2008

Not just any post

It's a movie review!

First to explain my rating system.
It was originally inspired by this comic.
I have expanded the basic premise to suit my own tastes.
The idea is that a movie I really enjoy has the right amount of action sequences (from here referred to as explosions) interspersed throughout the plot. Note: a movie can be enjoyable without explosions, I just like 'em.

However, a movie can be overfull of explosions as well as being under explosive.

Furthermore, I do not guarantee any correlation between my opinions and anyone else's.

Ratings are as follows
-(x) explosions - needs approximately (x) more explosions
+(x) explosions - to many explosions by approximately (x)
= explosions - the correct amount of action, excellent movie
if |x|<1 good movie
else if |x|>3 disapointing
else if |x|>=5 I was not amused.

so, that mess out of the way
The Movie: Juno
Basic premise: leading female is pregnant!

So let it be known that I really enjoyed the film, but I did not expect to. I had heard good things, but my initial expectations were somewhat low. I expected a romantic comedy, or something similar.
What I got was a darkly comedic film that blew away all my expectations. The film is bursting with memorable characters and thoroughly quotable dialogue. I walked in the theatre expecting to kill an hour and a half with something marginally more entertaining than what I would have done otherwise. I got so much more, but the movie wasn't quite perfect, at least not in my opinion.

Score: -1 explosion.

The last word: I enjoyed the film, more than expected. It has my recommendation, but it does not quite join the hallowed halls of =explosion films.

And if I am not dead, I am still alive today.

1 comment:

Lindy Ley said...

here is a thing you did not say, but i am saying, for i feel it should be said. what i am saying is that i feel the above rating scale should read |x|<=1 means good movie, not |x|<1, since any movie meeting the latter standard is probably super-ultra-great and not merely "good."