03 June 2007

I'm Back

So here I am loyal readers, I have returned from hiatus. Wait a minute, I don't HAVE loyal readers yet. Oh well, on to the post!

So I have been wondering about people who wait a long time to do things, such as update their blogs, or their webcomics. This happens often on the great internet we all know and have a love/hate relationship with. Some might accuse me of calling a kettle black when I myself am a pot which is also black. This is perhaps true, however, to employ ancient argumentative strategies, "It takes one to know one." I do not pass judgment on these individuals, instead I embrace my fellow slackers and unmotivated persons with open arms. We must unite eventually or something might happen, but you know, no rush.

Also: Fainting Goats are the second best kind of goat. This is an undisputable fact.

And if I am not dead, I am still alive today

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