06 June 2007

And I have a New Trick

You might even say that I'm ten times as slick as the last time. Moving right along in search of good times and good news.

Okay, this sentence marks a change from the beginning of this post, as it is not an external reference.

One of my great loves is pudding, I really like pudding. The flavor is a matter of little consequence, although tapioca pudding is unpleasantly grainy for my tastes. Regardless pudding it truly one of the great foodstuffs.

Also: Why the heck did I just include a segment on pudding? Don't get me wrong I like pudding but that bit was quite ridiculous. This concludes the self referential portion of this post.

And if I am not dead, I am still alive today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is Julie from computer camp. And for some reason, I can't seem to e-mail you. I must have copied yours down incorrectly, or something.

So could you e-mail me your e-mail or something? Mine's juliehans@insightbb.com .

So yeah. I wanna hear from you, goshdarnit!

Love, Peace, and OBJECTIONS,
