09 December 2007

Montage Experiment

So this is a test, of a pure text montage.
Depending on how it turns out this could become a regular feature.

First we need music, 
Imagine a sweeping orchestral ballad playing in the background. 
  If you have music playing please pause it, otherwise you would ruin the effect.

Fade in, a group of three dogs, two large black and brown, and a small grey schnauzer.
Cut to an empty suitcase sitting on a bed.
Fade in to some form of baked good with a coat of icing sitting in an oven. 

The music builds, and a rousing anthem begins to replace the ballad.

A quick succession of landscape shots, green hills and a few mountains interspersed with cars cattle, bridges, signs, and telephone poles, surrounded with a thin fog.
Suddenly slowing to a short series of pictures of buildings, slightly blurry as though taken with a shaky hand.
The series ends, a small house on a gravel lot.
Fade in a picture of a pizza.

The music builds higher, and a strong brass melody enters.

A shot of thick traffic on a road in the rain.
Fade in on a room full of people and fancy computers.
People standing outside a large building.

The music builds to a dramatic crescendo, a bright trumpet fanfare taking the lead.

A massive arena crowded with people.
A close shot of someone operating some large machine.
A quick shot of a group of people all cheering and shouting.

The music begins to die down, steadily returning to the original ballad.

Land scape shots again, very similar in nature to the first series.
A few more shots of epic sweeping landscapes.
A house on a hill, overlooking a lake.

The music fades out, and a small brass choir plays a chorale.

A final sequence of landscape shots, closing with a small city.

As the chorale comes to a close a Brick house is shown.

The house fades out as the last chord of the chorale is held.

And if i am not dead, I am still alive today.

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