I now know what to say will come from headwords.
It begins with some bad habits.
I have two bad habits that I have decided to embrace, in order to help others.
Are you ready to find out what these habits are? How am I doing at the suspense thing? Am I doing a good job?
Well, let's approach these habits backwards.
There are a lot of video games out there, lots of them require some type of monetary contribution. And lots of them are online these days.
There are an almost equal number of people who review games, both in humorous and non-humorous ways. Does the internet really need another random guy to review and mock newly released video games? No.
But there is a kind of game that receives little attention from reviewers. A kind of game with a very regrettable name: Freemium games.
Freemium games: those games which are free to play but have features that cost real money.
The problem with freemium games is not that most of them are terrible. The real problem is that some of them not only don't suck, but some of them are even good. Even great.
But the average individual, after a number of poor experiences will despair that no good can come of freemium games and will miss out on a number of potentially good game experiences.
And here is the bad habit you may or may not have been waiting to discover. Optimism, I've never been able to give up on freemium games. I try them, every time I discover one that seems even passably interesting I give it a shot.
Since I cannot cure this habit, I will use it for the public good. Each time I finish examining a new one I'll give it a write up here.
I'm in the process of writing up the first one. Something that the internet has come to loath almost completely. Something I hope to prevent even one poor soul from playing.
I also "like" to watch episodes of old television shows, espescially cartoons. Espescially those of questionable merit. I'll write up those episodes as I see them as well. I didn't really build that one up, since this post is already way to long as it is.